

For over 15 years, Verifacts has been customizing Background Verification Checks for companies across the globe and from varied sectors of industry. Our checks range from the basic routine checks to customized industry specific checks.



The manufacturing industry is the backbone of every economy. It relies mostly on man power, a solid infrastructure and a strong network. Screen your employees who work in your manufacturing departments to ensure their credentials and protect you from plagiarization Screen your businesses with whom you associate for manufacturing components, advertising and distribution Screen your customers to check their financial strength before they buy your product



The Immigration services are responsible for the migration of humans across the globe. It is the arm of the government that regulates the quality of its citizens. As an Immigration Service Provider, the most important process is the authentication and background check of every applicant in your system to ensure complete transparency and eliminate the risk of fraud Screening employees with a thorough background check can keep your organization safe as well



The Immigration services are responsible for the migration of humans across the globe. It is the arm of the government that regulates the quality of its citizens. As an Immigration Service Provider, the most important process is the authentication and background check of every applicant in your system to ensure complete transparency and eliminate the risk of fraud Screening employees with a thorough background check can keep your organization safe as well

Cloud Computing

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Software Developer

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IT Consultancy

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Verifacts is a highly trusted, global facing , Background Verification firm. We persevere to reduce the unknown and mitigate risks for our clients.

Verifacts pvt ltd.

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