People often wonder why there are such obvious (to some) questions on background verification. After all, if one is applying for a new job, they obviously had justified reasons to leave their previous employment. Not really. Many questions on a background check can be obvious, but digging deeper can reveal some hard truths that allow for instant hire or instant rejection; mostly the latter. 

For example, Verifacts handles background checks and identity verification for various high-profile brands as well as mid-level organizations too. We carry out processes of verification for every kind of organization and in one such case, we encountered a rare but troublesome situation for an employer. 

A candidate that had applied for a certain position was employed at a firm overseas. On grounds of incompetence and lack of productivity, he was laid off. This can happen when one takes too many leaves together and fails to deliver their work or complete tasks on time. Despite being given warnings by seniors, this candidate neglected to complete work on time or deliver results. Eventually, he was fired for incompetency by fair means. However, on his return to India, he assumed that no one would find out the true reason for his departure from employment and return to the country and proceeded to lie about the reason for his exit. He mentioned that he left the previous organization due to the need for better prospects, instead of telling prospective hiring organizations the truth. This was further investigated by our teams and we found that he had been lying on his applications about the reason for leaving his previous offices. 

Pre-employment checks help save everyone’s time. In this case, our teams informed our clients immediately about this misinformation and deduced that the candidate would prove to be very lazy, unprofessional and laid-back in his attitude towards work and was eventually removed from consideration for the position. Prevention is always better than punishment, and this case study helps prove it exactly! 

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