

Identity check


With the number of defaulters and the rate of frauds on the rise, candidates who are looking to join your firm, commit a crime and disappear, are most likely to provide you with fabricated information regarding their identity.

Verifacts conducts a variety of extensive identity checks to ensure the authenticity of various forms of ID’s submitted by the applicant.

TYPE DL Check Aadhaar Check Pancard Check Passport check Voter ID check
Driving license check ensures identity of the person is verified with the source (RTO). The details are checked either through online records of the government managed and controlled databases or through a physical at the concerned department
This involves an online process wherein we verify the identity of the applicant along with his Aadhar card details through the official government authorized website
Pan card details are also checked through an online process from a government managed and controlled database.
Passport check involves an online process which ensures that the MRZ number mentioned on it is correct
Details of a person on his voter ID are either checked from the online government managed databases or during a physical visit at the concerned authority
The prime reason of checking an individual’s DL is for the identity purpose only, however it may also be verified to check if a person’s holds a valid DL for driving purpose. Such verification is usually done by the sectors like Automobile, Tour & Travel, Transport etc
Aadhaar is checked to establish the correct identity along with the address of a person. This check is usually done by the sectors like BFSI, FMCG, Ecommerce, IT/ITES etc
Pan card is usually checked to know the authenticity of a person in his financial transactions like ITR, Bank statement, Credit check etc
Passport is also checked to know the correct identity and right to work of an employee. This check is usually done by IT/ITES and Embassies
Voter ID is checked to know if the identity and address of an employee mentioned on his document is correct
5-7 WD
2-5 WD
2-3 WD
2-3 WD
5-7 WD


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Verifacts is a highly trusted, global facing , Background Verification firm. We persevere to reduce the unknown and mitigate risks for our clients.

Verifacts pvt ltd.

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