Employment check


Employment represents the most common area where an applicant is likely to falsify information. Many candidates often fake their prior employment history in the hope of getting a job, or in an attempt for higher salaries or designation. Statistics show that employment verification reveals a large number of variations and discrepancies in the fields of salary, designation and tenure.

Our specialized employment verification teams contact last employer of the Candidate and obtain correct employment details. These credentials are then compared and tallied with the one provided by the Candidate in his application form. Variation if any is reported to a client in a final report.

Like education check, genuineness of the company is also checked before verifying the Candidates employment credentials.

TYPE Education Gap check WRITTEN Comprehensive
Employment details are taken and confirmed verbally through a telephonic conversation with HR or owner of the given company. Calls logs are maintained as a supporting and are shared as and when required by the client for the audit purpose.
Verification is obtained on Email from the official Email ID of the Company
Comprehensive employment check is a package which ensures that a physical visit is carried out and details are procured in case verification was not obtained by other two means of Verbal and written. This type of employment check takes care of the complete and in-depth employer and employee check.
Verbal check is processed at a time when our verification mails are not responded by few companies. It is also carried out for a quick closure of the employment check.
Written ensures zero variation and therefore is processed to maintain compliance.
This type is performed and requested by clients who are interested and compliant to know each and every detail of the Candidate’s employment history. From Salary to reason of leaving, this check ensures all the details are procured from the employer.
5-7 WD
7-14 WD
10-15 WD


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Verifacts is a highly trusted, global facing , Background Verification firm. We persevere to reduce the unknown and mitigate risks for our clients.

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