

Criminal Check


With the number of defaulters and the rate of frauds on the rise, candidates with criminal records pose a serious threat to other employees as well as your company’s reputation and assets.

We conduct police verification and court record checks to ascertain if there are any FIRs or court cases against the said applicant at the local police station, local court of given jurisdiction, High Court and the Supreme Court.

TYPE Court check Police check
This check is conducted by our associated law firms to ascertain if there are any cases against the individual, either ongoing or disposed of, at the local court. This report is provided on the Law Firm’s letter head. This check is conducted both online and through a physical visit to the local court. The report can be made available in 7 business days
Written Police Verification is by far the most authentic way of ascertaining the criminal antecedents of an individual. It is done through Police dept / stations and the report is provided on the police letter head. Details of any case filed against an individual at the police station are mentioned in this report
Criminal court record check is quickly gaining acceptance in the corporate world due to its low TAT and simple process. This check is increasingly performed by clients who aim to verify criminal history of the Candidate in a quick time and are not bound or required to present it in court of law.
Written police check is time consuming but compliant as per government guidelines. It is therefore performed by the clients who are driven by compliance and require reports to be presented in court of law as and when required. A popular example can be that of Guarding sector which is bound to do police check of their Guards and supporting staff as per PSARA act.
3- 7 WD
30-90 WD


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Verifacts is a highly trusted, global facing , Background Verification firm. We persevere to reduce the unknown and mitigate risks for our clients.

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